Hi guys!! Hope you all are doing great. The month is almost over and I can't believe it. I remember first of September like it was yesterday. 😳

Today's post is something many people will easily relate to. You're probably insecure about a thing or two about your body. Or even a lot. It could be very hard moving pass that stage especially when you were bullied once because of that. 

Personally, I didn't and still don't like some things about my body. But how I coped with that was accepting it. For example, my face. I was teased about my pimples when I was younger, I remember crying so much if you said anything about my face. I even stopped looking into a mirror cause it reminded of the "plague" on my face. Later on, I got to accept it and if someone said something bad about it, it never got to me. That's just how it is. You remove the power they have over your insecurities. They just end up looking stupid for what they said.

It's takes time to love something you have tried to hide all your life but when you do, you find strength in that. Something you can try doing is appreciating the things you love about your body. There should be one body part you love so much, talk about them or you write it down. 

Another is mirror talks. Get a mirror and look in it as long as you want. You get to see those beautiful highlights. Just keep admiring that one thing. Also talk about how beautiful you are (even if you don't think so), use adjective that qualify beauty. 

Hope, you get to accept and appreciate your "flaws". You're beautiful and you should tell yourself that every day. Stay beautiful. ❤️

Thanks for reading. ❤️


  1. I was always insecure about my noseπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚... but now, watch me flaunt it! Although still get some subtle yabbings sometimes but it's not like before. Nice one Chinwe

  2. I love to see it!! Thank you. ❤️

  3. Splendid write up dearπŸ˜€πŸ˜€

  4. I am beautiful even if I'm a guy lolxxx...

    I love this write up so much...

    For me its my deep voice 😊 that overshadows my flaws...

  5. I am beautiful even if I'm a guy lolxxx...

    I love this write up so much...

    For me its my deep voice 😊 that overshadows my flaws...


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