Hi, welcome!! I just remembered a conversation I had with someone sometime in school and I thought it's worth sharing. There is this young lady I met,I can't really remember what we were saying prior that but it kind of lead to marriage talk. I asked her what she would like to do after school and she said,"marriage is the next thing". I was still trying to process what she meant by that really and she asked me the same question. I told her I would love to do my masters, take some professional exams and ultimately do something productive with my life and career. She just looked at me strangely like what I said was impossible. She said that is too much for a woman and that would scare off a man. I was just left in awe that someone in this age and time thought like that. I gradually kept my distance from her because I wouldn't want someone with that kind of ridiculous mindset around me. I wouldn't want to attribute her reason for such a mindset to her geographi...